Cloth Diapers on a Budget

Cloth diapering can be a great way to save money. Even if you buy all of your disposable diapers at a warehouse store, you can still easily spend $80 a month. With cloth diapers, each diaper you buy can be a single purchase that will last from birth until potty training, giving you a HUGE savings!

But what about the start up costs? At Lagoon Baby, we understand that not everyone is in the position to spend a lot of money up front. That's why we've made the decision to offer quality diapers at a lower price point. These diapers are ethically made and meet 100% of all Canadian safety standards. They're safe for your baby's bottom AND healthy for your wallet!

Make cloth diapering on a budget easy. Buy quality low cost cloth diapers at Lagoon Baby in British Columbia, Canada. Save bigger by buying these budget friendly diapers in a cloth diapering package. Save even bigger by taking advantage of our FREE shipping on orders over $125 in Canada!